🪙$FORGE Token

Token Overview

Total Supply: 50,000,000 $FORGE

--> Low total supply of 50,000,000. The entire total supply is in circulation, there are no tokens locked or burnt at this moment in time. The contract does not allow the minting of new tokens, making our supply fixed at 50,000,000.


$FORGE/$BNB Chart: (KnightSwap LP)


$FORGE Taxes & Tokenomics

Buy Tax: 10% (Use 11-12% Slippage)

9% => Direct Buyback on $GUARD ==> ( $GUARD Sent to a Treasury Wallet ) 1% => Direct Buyback on $BNB ==> ( $BNB Sent to Development Wallet )

Sell Tax: 10% (Use 11-12% Slippage)

9% => Direct Buyback on $GUARD ==> ( $GUARD Sent to a Treasury Wallet ) 1% => Direct Buyback on $BNB ==> ( $BNB Sent to Development Wallet )

$FORGE Initial Pricing Information:

1 $FORGE Token = $0.0066

-> Starting Market Cap = ~$265,000

Last updated