Security Software
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This information in this section is important for ALL USERS (yes MAC users that means you too!). Many are under the assumption that the software provided by your provider is sufficient to protect against malware & viruses. We aren't willing to gamble on that, and you shouldn't either if you want to effectively protect your investments/information.
The information provided here is what we feel is best from our experience and knowledge in the safety/security realm. Feel free to use whatever you see fit, these are simply the team's recommendations.
In our opinion, the best consumer grade software out there is BITDEFENDER TOTAL SECURITY Click on products "For Home"; we recommend the "Premium Security" with VPN package.
We recommend staying away from Kaspersky, McAfee, Norton, and Symantec because they hog resources from your computer and always have some major flaws. There have been many people who have had these software packages and still had their funds stolen from them.
They consistently rank well and score high on all tests regarding security
The pricing is affordable and you can install BitDefender on up to 5 devices on one account
Barely uses resources from your system to run in the background
They offer an additional service called the BITDEFENDER BOX, which protects EVERYTHING connected to your home network, including guests who log in and have infected devices.
A virtual private network, or VPN, is an encrypted connection over the Internet from a device to a network. The encrypted connection helps ensure that sensitive data is safely transmitted. It prevents unauthorized people from eavesdropping on the traffic and allows the user to conduct work remotely. VPN technology is widely used in corporate environments.
There are many choices available for VPNs, the Bitdefender "Premium Security" package comes with it BitDefender's VPN and an unlimited amount of data for it.
In the crypto world, some exchanges & services may not be accessible from your current location/country. Using a VPN will, more often than not, allow you to bypass this.
If you are sending sensitive data or private information while connected to a "Public" network
To encrypt your connection to the internet so your traffic isn't available to "eavesdroppers"
Note: Many are under the impression that VPN's are a security software, and by simply having one and using it, they are protected. This is a FALSE TRUTH. VPN's are a useful tool to help protect you, but will not act as a security software!
Two-factor authentication β or two-step verification β is a security feature that adds an extra layer of protection to your online accounts. Instead of using just a single factor to authenticate your identity, like a password, you use two different factors, usually your password and a one-time code sent via SMS or email.
By spreading the risk across two factors, itβs much less likely that an attacker will be able to unlock one of your accounts. For example, if you have a compromised password in a data breach, the attacker wonβt be able to unlock your account with your password alone. Theyβll also need your second factor.
Two factor authentication is STRONGLY recommended for nearly all connections made from your device(s) to crypto-related apps, accounts, sites, & services. Most exchanges & platforms offer 2FA and Forge Finance always recommends this as an added layer of security that requires you to confirm moves you are making.
Note: Do not use text or SMS for your 2FA! Use an Authenticator App
We recommend using Authenticator Apps over text/SMS. These apps use codes that change every 30 seconds to add an additional layer of security when logging in to websites like Crypto Exchanges and transferring funds. This is always recommended whenever offered as it is a possibility your phone could be compromised, which would mean an attacker would be able to access the SMS code & be able to authenticate using that.
Authy --> Easy to use, feature-rich and supports multi-device sync
Google Authenticator --> A widely adopted standard across major websites
LastPass Authenticator --> Similar to Google Authenticator; works wit the LastPass ecosystem
Here a few other useful security tools people who own non-mac PCs can use:
Useful Benefits:
Clears browser cookies automatically when you close your browser
Updates drivers for you automatically
Cleans your hard drives to ensure your PC is optimized and running at peak capacity