How To Request Help
The Dangers Of Asking For Help Publicly
It is fundamentally very dangerous to pop into a public forum (where scammers hang out) and ask for help/assistance with something you're having trouble with.
If you do this, you are ASKING TO GET SCAMMED. For this reason, Forge Finance has developed a safe & specific way of handling these requests.
NOTE: Your safety & security is important to us, but we also do not want to facilitate or encourage learned helplessness. Before requesting help/support with an issue, please take some time to do your own diligence/research. If you are still stuck, open a "Help Desk" ticket on Discord and clearly articulate your problem using the template below.
How To Submit A "Help Desk Ticket"
If you are having a issue or problem that you would like help/support from our team with, please use the following steps to submit a "Help Desk" ticket. We ask that you follow the template below in order to make the problem-solving process more efficient for you, and the team.
Open our private Discord Server
Navigate to the "Help Desk Ticket" channel
Click "Create A Ticket"
In your request please include all of the following to help create clarity around your issue: --> What device you are on (PC/Mobile/etc.) --> What browser you are using (Chrome/Brave/Firefox/Safari/etc.) --> What are you trying to do? (Claim/Deposit/Harvest/etc.) --> What is the problem you are having while attempting to do this? --> What is/are the error message(s) or prompts you are receiving?
Last updated